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Image by Zetong Li


For over 70 years, the Alaska Hospital & Healthcare Association (AHHA) has served as a non-profit trade association representing and supporting Alaska's hospitals, nursing homes, and a growing number of healthcare partners across the continuum of care. AHHA members play an invaluable role, both as community providers and essential employers, in cities, towns, and villages across Alaska.


AHHA supports and convenes members and community partners, providing services across these
three core areas and functions:

AHHA leads advocacy efforts in support of policy and legislation that impact members.


AHHA brings together members and stakeholders for education, training, and collaborative work.

AHHA provides funding, research and reports, and other collateral in support of member facilities.


Our mission is to advance the shared interests of Alaska healthcare to build an innovative, sustainable system of care for all Alaskans.




(907) 646-1444


1007 W. 3rd Ave, Suite 301
Anchorage, AK 99501

426 Main St

Juneau, AK 99801

Thank you!

Alaska Hospital & Healthcare Association (AHHA)

(907) 646-1444


1007 W. 3rd Ave, Suite 301
Anchorage, AK 99501

426 Main St
Juneau, AK 99801

AHHA was formerly the Alaska State Hospital & Nursing Home Association (ASHNHA). In May, 2022, the board passed a resolution to change the association's name in an effort to adopt a more inclusive, concise, and relevant title to represent our members and mission.

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