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Image by Kayti Coonjohn


AHHA's policy and advocacy priorities are driven by a vision that every Alaskan has access to affordable, safe, high-quality healthcare. AHHA is committed to creating and maintaining a financial and regulatory environment in which hospitals and healthcare systems can provide the right care at the right time. This involves collaborating with members, policymakers, and community partners. 


AHHA supports federal and state lawmakers with the information and tools they need to make informed decisions on issues that affect the health of Alaskans, and educates legislators on the important role that Alaska’s hospitals, nursing homes, and healthcare partners play in their communities.


AHHA supports its members by monitoring policy issues at the federal and state levels that affect hospitals and nursing homes. The association takes action by providing comments and testimony to governing bodies, writing letters, participating in agency meetings, and developing collaborative relationships with organizations interested in Alaska’s health care industry.



AHHA holds an annual Fly-In event in February to review legislative priorities and meet with legislators to discuss healthcare policy and legislation.




Dollar Bill in Jar


AHHA has developed a toolkit to provide hospitals with information on price transparency requirements, along with recommendations and resources for compliance.




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AHHA monitors a broad spectrum of public policy issues that affect the health of Alaskans and impact Alaska’s hospitals, nursing homes, and healthcare partners.



Image by Derek Finch


This 3-part series provides an overview of Alaska's healthcare system - its strengths, challenges, and future opportunities - as well as the issues and policies that impact healthcare delivery in our state.



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AHHA provides member with updates on federal legislation and submits comments on proposed federal regulatory changes on behalf of hospitals and nursing homes.



Signing Contract


Have your voice heard on important healthcare issues - using votervoice, AHHA makes it easy for community members to connect and share messages and opinions with policy makers.



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