Contact Debbie Lowenthal at dlowenthal@alaskahha.org to order stickers with these designs!
Contact Debbie Lowenthal at dlowenthal@alaskahha.org to order stickers with these designs!
Contact Debbie Lowenthal at dlowenthal@alaskahha.org to order stickers with these designs!
Contact Debbie Lowenthal at dlowenthal@alaskahha.org to order stickers with these designs!
Everyone can benefit from drinking less alcohol or not drinking at all. Below are three simple suggestions that are healthy for all of us to follow and think about when it comes to drinking.
1. Reduce - or cut out - alcohol.
The 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends that adults of legal drinking age who choose to drink limit their intake to 2 drinks or less in a day for men or 1 drink or less in a day for women, on days when they choose to drink alcohol.
This is a basic guideline and everyone is a little different. There are lots of things (gender, age, type of alcohol, when you last ate, etc.) that are part of deciding how much is too much for you. The CDC's Check Your Drinking is a quick online tool to help you take a closer look at your drinking - if you want to drink less, it can also help you build a plan to make healthier choices.
2. Don't give alcohol to those who shouldn't be drinking.
Don't serve or provide alcohol to those who should not be drinking. This may include:
People under the age of 21
Pregnant people
Anyone who seems like they've already had too much to drink (stumbling, slurring, etc.)
People who you know struggle with alcohol misuse or alcohol use disorder.
Don't push alcohol on someone who has already turned down a drink or has let you know that they don't drink alcohol.
3. Talk with your healthcare provider.
Talk with your healthcare provider about your drinking - how much and how often you drink alcohol - and ask for help if you are worried or have questions about your drinking.
In 2022 the Alaska Hospital & Healthcare Association, State of Alaska Department of Health, and Mountain-Pacific Quality Health partnered on a readmissions project with a group of Alaska hospitals.
Data gathered in this project shows that diagnoses and diseases associated with alcohol are the highest indicators for readmission in Alaska. And because of this finding, we believe that patient discharge could provide a critical opportunity for providers to address alcohol use.
Together with Recover Alaska, we have developed an outreach kit with resources and tools for providers. The toolkit includes stickers, information cards, and a script to guide conversations about alcohol use with patients as part of the discharge process. These materials lead people to the resources and links at the top of this page.
Selected Resources:
Office of the Surgeon General - Alcohol and Cancer Risk (2025)
American Medical Association: What doctors wish patients knew about unhealthy alcohol use
NIH National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
The Core Resource on Alcohol provides evidence-based content to help healthcare professionals:
Gain new insights—and earn FREE CME or CE credit—with 14 articles on alcohol and health covering basic principles, clinical impacts, and patient care from screening through recovery.
Overcome barriers to care for patients with alcohol problems—by filling training gaps for providers who are not addiction specialists, including ways to counteract patient stigma. -
Mayo Clinic Patient Health & Care Information: Alcohol Use Disorder