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Each year AHHA gathers leaders from member healthcare facilities in Juneau in February for a Legislative Fly-In where we review legislative priorities and meet with legislators to discuss healthcare policy and legislation. Thank you to AHHA Gold Corporate Associate Member PROLINK for sponsoring the 2024 event (held February 20-21) - below are links to presentations and materials.


Marjie Hamburger, AHHA's Director of Workforce, shared information about current AHHA workforce funding opportunities: 

  • Funding for Facility Specific Training Needs - AHHA members may apply for funding to support the costs of training that contributes to staff development, improvement in patient care, and employee retention.

  • Funding for Facility-Led Initiatives - AHHA members may apply for start-up or pilot funding for workforce initiatives to try out new ideas, gather data on outcomes, and secure longer-term funding for successful strategies


Updates from the State:

  • DCCED: Promoting a Healthy Economy, Strong Communities, and Protecting Consumers in Alaska - Commissioner Julie Sande - Alaska Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development (to be posted pending approval)

  • Insurance Update - Director Lori Wing-Heier - Alaska Division of Insurance



2024 Legislative Packet _ Cover Image.jpg

Alaska Hospital & Healthcare Association (AHHA)

(907) 646-1444


1007 W. 3rd Ave, Suite 301
Anchorage, AK 99501


426 Main St
Juneau, AK 99801


AHHA was formerly the Alaska State Hospital & Nursing Home Association (ASHNHA). In May, 2022, the board passed a resolution to change the association's name in an effort to adopt a more inclusive, concise, and relevant title to represent our members and mission.

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