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Organizations representing Alaska's healthcare system came together to design a 3-part series for new and returning Alaska legislators and their staffers following the 2022 elections.


We shared an overview of Alaska's healthcare system - its strengths, challenges, and future opportunities - as well as the issues and policies that impact healthcare delivery in our state.


Session recordings and slide decks are available below in addition to a glossary of common healthcare acronyms, organizations, and terms.


Glossary of Alaska Healthcare Acronyms & Terms


Alaska Healthcare Delivery System Part 1

Watch the Recording (passcode: &BXN4.D+)

Download the Presentation (PDF)


Alaska Healthcare Delivery System Part 2

Watch the Recording (passcode: &Yc7Avc=)

Download the Presentation (PDF)


How We Pay for Healthcare: Medicaid, Medicare, and Private Pay

Watch the Recording (passcode: ss15P+wa)

Download the Presentation (PDF)

Alaska Hospital & Healthcare Association (AHHA)

(907) 646-1444


1007 W. 3rd Ave, Suite 301
Anchorage, AK 99501


426 Main St
Juneau, AK 99801


AHHA was formerly the Alaska State Hospital & Nursing Home Association (ASHNHA). In May, 2022, the board passed a resolution to change the association's name in an effort to adopt a more inclusive, concise, and relevant title to represent our members and mission.

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