Alaska Healthcare Workforce Analysis:
Behavioral Health Reports​:​​
Child and Adolescent Behavioral Healthcare Improvement Project (2022)
AHHA received funding from the Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority for this project striving to improve acute behavioral health services specific to children and adolescents by addressing gaps and delays across the continuum of care. The final report includes perspectives and data gathered from a stakeholder workgroup, providers, and families with lived experiences along with recommendations and an actionable workplan.
Outcomes Summary (2022)
Acute Behavioral Health Improvement Project (2019)
In early 2018, AHHA received funding from The Mental Health Trust Authority to request funding for the Acute Behavioral Health Improvement Project to develop a roadmap for initiatives and infrastructure to support the adult behavioral care continuum. Workgroups included representatives from 31 organizations - federal and state departments, community partners, and hospitals across Alaska.​ The final report for this project was completed in April of 2019 and AHHA developed a workplan based on recommendations and strategies identified through the project.
Other Reports​
Please note: The Alaska Hospital & Healthcare Association (AHHA) was formerly the Alaska State Hospital & Nursing Home Association (ASHNHA). In May, 2022, the board passed a resolution to change the association's name in an effort to adopt a more inclusive, concise, and relevant title to represent our members and mission.
Media Contact
Jann Mylet, Director of External Affairs
(907) 726-7191