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AHHA embraces the global goal of improving quality and patient safety throughout Alaska. In order to achieve this goal, AHHA supports member hospitals and long-term care facilities in building the capacity for improvement work through the development of the culture of safety, by providing education and tools associated with leading practices, and by addressing issues related to workforce instability.

AHHA Healthcare Champion Awards

These annual awards encourage, recognize, and reward Alaska healthcare professionals taking progressive and effective steps to improve patient care and outcomes.



Just culture seeks to create an environment that encourages individuals to report mistakes so that the precursors to error can be better understood in order to fix system issues.

TeamSTEPPS teaches health care professionals communication and teamwork skills to enable them to respond quickly and effectively to whatever situations arise. 

AHHA has partnered with Washington Hospital Services to provide members with peer review services.


The Medicare Rural Hospital Flexibility Program encourages the development of cooperative systems of care in rural areas.

AHHA partners with Telligen QI Connect to participate in the CMS Hospital Quality Improvement Contract (HQIC).

AHHA members are working hard every day to ensure facilities are free from contamination to reduce infection.


Physician Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment (POLST) give 
seriously ill patients more control over their medical treatment.

Achieving health equity requires a broad approach that addresses social, economic, demographic, and environmental factors that influence health. 

Increasing health literacy improves patients' ability to access information and services to inform health-related decisions.


An active partnership of acute care and long-term care hospitals dedicated to developing innovative strategies to ensure appropriate antibiotic use.

Coordinated efforts to provide the highest level of care to mothers and infants by collaborating with hospitals, birthing facilities, providers, and key stakeholders.

Alaska Hospital & Healthcare Association (AHHA)

(907) 646-1444


1007 W. 3rd Ave, Suite 301
Anchorage, AK 99501


426 Main St
Juneau, AK 99801


AHHA was formerly the Alaska State Hospital & Nursing Home Association (ASHNHA). In May, 2022, the board passed a resolution to change the association's name in an effort to adopt a more inclusive, concise, and relevant title to represent our members and mission.

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